Leadership Programme in Science & Technology (LEADS)
Leadership Programme in Science & Technology (LEADS)

LEADERSHIP PROGRAMME IN SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY (LEADS): The National Centre for Good Governance (NCGG) and the Indian National Science Academy (INSA) have joined hands to introduce the ‘NCGG – INSA Leadership Programme in Science & Technology (LEADS)’. This program is aimed at supporting and enhancing the ability of scientific leaders to lead and adapt to the ever-evolving field of science and technology. It aligns with Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s vision for scientific and technological progress in India by 2047.

About Leadership Programme in Science & Technology (LEADS)

The Leadership Programme in Science & Technology (LEADS) is designed to empower scientific leaders by equipping them with the necessary tools and skills to navigate the dynamic landscape of science and technology. It recognizes the crucial role that scientific leadership plays in driving advancements and fosters a culture of excellence and innovation. The LEADS program is a significant milestone in India’s scientific journey, symbolizing the country’s commitment to fostering excellence. Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has been instrumental in creating an environment that encourages innovation and empowers scientists, acknowledging their exceptional potential. His unwavering belief in the transformative power of scientific research and technology underscores the program’s objectives.

Key Objectives of Leadership Development in Science & Technology (LEADS)

India is actively pursuing ambitious initiatives in diverse fields such as space exploration, deep ocean exploration, supercomputing, semiconductors, hydrogen technology, and drone advancements. As these initiatives progress, it becomes essential to equip scientists with essential leadership skills.

To address this need, the Leadership Programme in Science & Technology has been developed. The program aims to provide participants with a valuable experience and a deep understanding of emerging areas in the field. Over the course of seven days, scientists will be exposed to various subjects, including institution building, governance, research excellence, management, gender and diversity issues, scientometrics, talent recruitment and mentoring, industry collaboration, financial management, interpersonal relations, national requirements, resource generation, administration, digital governance, and more.

The program emphasizes the challenges that scientists may encounter in science and technology administration and equips them with the necessary skills to overcome these obstacles. Participants will learn effective team leadership, efficient resource management, and the development of comprehensive strategies to achieve organizational goals. Special attention will be given to building resilience, fostering effective teamwork, and managing conflicts that may arise within organizations.


The Leadership Programme in Science & Technology (LEADS) is a crucial initiative that recognizes the significance of scientific leadership in driving advancements and fostering excellence. By equipping scientific leaders with essential skills and knowledge, the program aims to create a robust and resilient scientific community capable of meeting India’s ambitious goals in science and technology. It aligns with the vision of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi and reflects the government’s commitment to nurturing the next generation of scientific leaders.

To Know More


What is the LEADS program?

The LEADS program is the Leadership Programme in Science & Technology aimed at enhancing the leadership abilities of scientific leaders in adapting to the evolving field of science and technology.

Who has collaborated to introduce the LEADS program?

A: The National Centre for Good Governance (NCGG) and the Indian National Science Academy (INSA) have collaborated to introduce the LEADS program

What are the objectives of the LEADS program?

The LEADS program aims to empower scientists with essential leadership skills to support India’s ambitious initiatives in various scientific fields. It covers subjects such as institution building, governance, research excellence, talent recruitment, industry collaboration, and more.

Ashutosh Raj

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